The mysterious “magic” powder for infectious waste disinfection!
During a recent infectious disease workshop, one of my participants brought up the topic of a mysterious “magic” powder that helps to clean up vomitus. I thought it would be a good opportunity to share a bit more on how to create your own “magic” powder to conduct disinfection in your school! Note: The exact […]
Symptoms Monitoring Form Template
As you are aware, physical health in children change rapidly. You might have just completed the morning screening for the child, and in the next few hours, the child starts to develop symptoms of an infectious disease. A systematic way of keeping a record of the symptoms developed in a child is useful for tracking […]
Leave-of-absence, Stay-home-notice, Quarantine orders – summarised
When faced with an infectious disease outbreak, our authorities have implemented various precautionary measures to protect Singaporeans and contain the spread of pathogens. Leave-of-absence (LOA), stay-home-notice (SHN) and Quarantine order (QO) are implemented to slow and contain the spread of pathogens. All of us should be aware of the definition and the dos and don’ts […]
Useful links for infectious disease information related to early childhood sector
Lots of things you read online especially in your social media feeds may appear to be true, often is not. False information is news, stories or hoaxes created to deliberately misinform or deceive readers. Usually, these stories are created to either influence people’s views, push a political agenda or cause confusion and can often be a […]
What are the best practices to manage the environment to reduce infection?
The environment can be better managed to reduce the risk of infection. These include: Providing enough space to prevent crowding. Having enough space reduces the concentration of germs in the air and on surfaces Avoid intermixing of groups of children with segregated classrooms Provide enough easily accessible flushing toilets and sinks so that each group […]
How many types of germs are there?
Germ is a common term for a large variety of microbial agents that can grow in or on people. Infection occurs when a germ usually causes a disease, although it is possible to have an infection without any symptoms of disease. The germs that can cause infectious diseases in people include: Bacteria Viruses Parasites Fungi […]