In any EC classrooms, pathogens spread quickly in the environment. and Pathogens land on all surfaces, including the floor, cabinets, toys, doorknobs, amongst others. As children play in close proximity, the risk of getting sick through direct contact and indirect contact with inanimate surfaces is very high!
Routine cleaning and disinfection can help reduce the spread of pathogens in childcare and school environment. The Early Childhood Development Agency in Singapore has laid out the guidelines for proper disinfection for surfaces. In general, there are three dilutions to follow for adding bleach to water:
- 1:10
- 1:50
- 1:250
1:10 or 1 part bleach to 9 parts of water

Surfaces to clean: Excrement-soiled surfaces (e.g. diapering area, blood, etc.)
1:50 or 1 part bleach to 49 parts of water

Surfaces to clean: General surfaces (E.g. uncarpeted floors , toilet & bathroom facilities, Surfaces that infants and young toddlers are likely to touch (exclude food handling tables) , etc. )
1:250 or 1 part bleach to 249 parts of water

Surfaces to clean: Surfaces in contact with food/mouths
You can also download the poster by clicking on the picture below.

You can also download the Chinese version here.
Credit: Many thanks for Riko from Small Wonder Tampines for translating the English poster! Appreciate your kind assistance!
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