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Why is ESG Important for Companies and Investors?


Using the ESG framework can bring significant advantages to both businesses and investors, with ESG practices opening up a pool of capital and promoting a stronger brand identity for businesses, while investors can enjoy low-risk investments associated with ESG-centric brands. Here are five benefits of ESG for businesses:

Investors are hopping on the ESG train, while a pandemic, concerns over climate change, cyber incidents, global supply issues, economic gaps and social justice movements have become catalysts for spiking adoption rates.

  1. Competitive advantage:

    Companies that embrace ESG practices can gain a competitive advantage over their peers. ESG has become increasingly important to consumers, employees, lenders, and regulators. Consumers, in particular, are willing to pay extra for products that promote sustainability, and businesses that prioritize ESG are likely to be viewed more favorably. Additionally, companies that demonstrate social responsibility by improving labor conditions, promoting diversity, giving back to the community, and taking a stand on socioeconomic issues can strengthen their brand identity and reputation.

  2. Attracting investors and lenders:

    The inclusion of ESG reporting in earnings reports is becoming more common among businesses, and investors and lenders are increasingly attracted to organizations that invest in ESG and use ESG disclosures to highlight their sustainability efforts. A Gallup study found that 48% of investors are interested in sustainable investing funds, indicating a growing demand for businesses that prioritize ESG. Lenders are also seeking out sustainable businesses, as public concerns about the pandemic, climate change, and the misuse of natural resources have prompted many to seek out more sustainable options.

  3. Improved financial performance:

    ESG practices can lead to improved financial performance for businesses. By tracking key metrics such as energy consumption, raw material usage, and waste treatment, companies can identify areas where they can reduce costs and improve efficiency. Even small sustainability efforts, such as going paperless or recycling, can lead to significant cost savings and improved ROI. Additionally, companies that stay compliant with ESG have less exposure to fines, risks, and penalties, which can positively affect their bottom line.

  4. Increased customer loyalty:

    Consumers today are more socially conscious than ever, and they want to know what businesses are doing for the greater good. Companies that adhere to ESG principles can retain and attract more customers by being transparent and effectively communicating their ESG efforts to their customers. In a recent survey by Accenture, over 50% of consumers reported that they have realigned their priorities when shopping for brands as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. These consumers are willing to pay extra for brands that are aligned with their values and are more loyal to those that treat people well.

  5. Sustainable operations:

    ESG practices can help companies sustain and adapt to an ever-changing business landscape. While ESG is only mandatory for publicly traded companies in some jurisdictions, it is becoming increasingly important for all businesses to prioritize ESG. Companies that integrate ESG principles into their core operations can identify cost-saving opportunities and reduce operational costs, such as energy consumption and resource waste. By investing in sustainable practices now, businesses can position themselves to be more resilient in the face of future challenges and avoid potential legal, regulatory, reputational, and compliance issues.