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Enterprise Development Grant for Company

Support for Enterprise Sustainability Projects is at 70%

Sustainability Strategy

  • Sustainability Strategy projects enable enterprises to identify sustainability-related risks and opportunities and develop the strategy to address significant risks and opportunities.
  • Projects should include one or more of the following components: (1) Assessment of Sustainability Risks and Opportunities (2) Strategy Development (3) Governance Framework (4) Setting Metrics and Targets.
  • Sustainability Strategy projects are parked under EDG’s Core Capabilities (Business Strategy Development).

Resource Optimisation

  • Resource optimisation projects enhance enterprise’s sustainability performance and competitiveness by improving resource efficiency. The project must specify projected quantitative resource efficiency improvements that will result from its implementation (e.g. Carbon emissions reduced (tCO2e), Energy consumption reduced (kWh or kJ), Waste generation reduced (tons), Water consumption reduced (l or cm3)).
  • Resource Optimisation projects are parked under EDG’s Innovation and Productivity (Process Redesign and Automation)

Sustainability Standards Adoption

  • Sustainability Standards Adoption projects help provide transparency and trust of enterprises’ sustainability performance, products and services, which enables them to gain market access and recognition for their sustainability efforts.
  • Sustainability Standards Adoption projects are parked under EDG’s Market Access (Standards Adoption). 

Product, Service or Solution Development Projects

  • Sustainable product/service development projects help enterprises to develop new technologically innovative sustainable products, services, and solutions for commercialisation.
  • Sustainable products/services may be defined as those which:
    are designed to be either: (a) more durable or energy or resource efficient (b) reparable (c) recyclable, or (d) made with a preference for recycled materials;
    enable third parties to improve their sustainability performance.


Source: Enterprise Singapore 

Eligibility Criteria

Companies keen to apply for the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) should meet these criteria:

  • Be registered and operating in Singapore
  • Have a minimum of 30% local shareholding
  • Be in a financially viable position to start and complete the project

Funding Breakdown (For illustration only)

ESG Strategy & Framework Adoption
Project cost
Government subsidy (70%)
Total Amount Payable

Skillsfuture Enterprise Credit

Do you know? Outstanding project or course fees paid by the organisation can be offset by Skillsfuture Enterprise Credit. Find out more here